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VTEM Image Zoom


{vtemzoom image=[images/big1.jpg] thumb=[images/small1.jpg]}



Add a tint of any colour (including black or white) to the small image. The intensity of tint is fully customisable, shown here in red at 50%.
In this example, the movement smoothness is set to a higher value for a gentle drifting effect.
{vtemzoom image=[images/big1.jpg] thumb=[images/small1.jpg] tintcolor=[#FF0000]}


Inner Zoom

Zoom position can be inside the smaller image, useful if you would rather not obscure any other content.
{vtemzoom image=[images/big1.jpg] thumb=[images/small1.jpg] position=[inside]}


Soft Focus

Apply a subtle soft-focus effect to the small image. In this example, the zoom window position is specified as a div target which can be positioned anywhere. The movement smoothness is set to a lower value for a snappier feel.
{vtemzoom image=[images/big1.jpg] thumb=[images/small1.jpg] softFocus=[1]}


Standard Settings With Gallery

These are the 'out of the box' settings, with the big image appearing to the bottom of the small image.
The appearance of the smaller image, lens and zoom window can be altered with regular CSS.
{vtemzoom image=[images/big1.jpg,images/big2.jpg,images/big3.jpg] thumb=[images/small1.jpg,images/small2.jpg,images/small3.jpg] scroll=[1]}
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