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VTEM Carousel(Horizontal style1)

VTEM Carousel (Vertical style1)

VTEM Carousel(configuration)
The VTEM Carousel is a very flexible module for Joomla. It display any type contents such as K2 items, Joomla! articles, images from specific folder(s). Using the Next/Prev buttons you can navigate through all articles. All articles can display any kind of HTML formatted content like text/images/flash and you can even use the loadposition plugin to display a another module inside a article. The VTEM Carousel module comes with a lot of different styles.

An overview of VTEM CAROUSEL module key features:

+ Joomla! 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 2.5, 3.x Native
+ Ability to use articles from joomla content categories or articles IDs
+ Support for K2 component
+ Pull Images automatically from a folder
+ Easy text, background and border color styles for user configuration
+ Comfortable to use multiple instances of the module on a page with module ID generated automatically
+ On/Off front page articles display in modules
+ Possibility to display module within article content using loadposition plugin/mambot
+ Easy and friendly administration
+ Ordering options: order slides by joomla articles ordering, by creation date, ...
+ Specifies whether the carousel appears in horizontal or vertical orientation
+ News amount sorted by added first, added last, order, random
+ Option number of items will be visible
+ Specifies how many seconds to periodically autoscroll the items.
+ Used JavaScript Framework: Jquery
+ Fully compatible: Firefox, IE6+, Opera 9.5, Safari, Netscape, Google Chrome, Camino, Flock 0.7+.

Getting Started
Overview files
Start by downloading from our products section - vtem.net - the VTEM carousel module package.

After downloading the package, be sure to unpack locally the VTEM_Carousel_UnzipFirst.zip file. If all goes well, you should see the following files:

Here’s an overview of the available files:

mod_vtem_carousel_v1.5.3_j1.5.zip (It is compatible with Joomla!1.5)
mod_vtem_carousel_v1.3_j1.6-2.5.zip (It is compatible with Joomla!1.6-2.5)
This is the module file to be installed on your joomla application. It will display all the content set on the selected website pages.

VTEM Carousel Module Installation
The installation is very simple and should not pose any problem, if you follow the next instructions in properly way.

Using the Joomla! Administrator, navigate to the administrative panel on your site and from your administration top menu, select Extensions > Install/Uninstall.

Click the ‘browse’ button, select the module file (mod_vtem_carousel_v1.5.3_j1.5.zip or mod_vtem_carousel_v1.3_j1.6-2.5.zip) and press ‘Upload File & Install.

A message will appear saying ‘Module Installation - Success.’

The VTEM Carousel module is now available on your Modules Manager.

VTEM Carousel Configuration
To configurations your VTEM Carousel module, navigate to “Extensions > Module Manager” and find the VTEM Carousel module on the available list.

Click on it to enter inside and to edit the module parameters configuration.

From left to right, set the module in your selected position and enable it.

Before saving the module, you must configurations the parameters fields.
Joomla Content
K2 Items
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