- Introduction
VTEM Menu for Joomla is a Joomla 1.5 Native Module for Mootools DropDown Navigation Menu. The module is very easy to use, just install the module and select a menu from Joomla menu system then publish it to a position which you want and see that effect.
An overview of VTEM MENU module key features: + Joomla! 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 2.5, 3.x Native. + Mootools dropdown with nice effects. + Description can be added for each link of the menu. + Easy text, background and border color styles for user configuration. + Loading of module in the menu. + Horizontal or vertical orientation. + Easy and friendly administration. + SEF URLs. + MVC structure so the output can be easily overridden in the template. + Image only in the title of each link. + Fancy effect on first level items. + Provides possibility to define start and end level of menu + Used JavaScript Framework: Mootools + Fully compatible: Firefox, IE6+, Opera 9.5+, Safari, Netscape, Google Chrome, Camino, Flock 0.7+.
- Getting Started
- Overview files
Start by downloading from our products section - vtem.net - the VTEM Menu module package.
After downloading the package, be sure to unpack locally the VTEM_Menu_UnzipFirst.zip file. If all goes well, you should see the following files:
Here’s an overview of the available files:
Module: mod_vtemmenu_v1.2_j1.5.zip (It is compatible with Joomla!1.5) mod_vtemmenu_v1.2_j1.6-2.5.zip (It is compatible with Joomla!1.6-2.5) This is the module file to be installed on your joomla application. It will display all the content set on the selected website pages.
VTEM Menu Module Installation The installation is very simple and should not pose any problem, if you follow the next instructions in properly way.
Using the Joomla! Administrator, navigate to the administrative panel on your site and from your administration top menu, select Extensions > Install/Uninstall.
Click the ‘browse’ button, select the module file (mod_vtemmenu_v1.2_j1.5.zip or mod_vtemmenu_v1.2_j1.6-2.5.zip) and press ‘Upload File & Install.’
A message will appear saying ‘Module Installation - Success.’
The VTEM Menu module is now available on your Modules Manager.
Adding a description to the link of the menu
To add a description, you must put two vertical separators "||". You can add some description on any link item of the menu. Example :
Title of the link||Description of the link

Adding a module in the menu
To load a module, just call it with its name or ID. You must create a link type 'separator' and write in the title the call to the module.Example :

Manage columns
To organize the links with columns, you must give the number of columns you want, and then mark the separation where to make the column.
Giving the number of columns
In the title of the link, just give the following characters [cols2] for 2 columns, [cols3] for 3 columns, etc...

Screenshot of the structure :

- Screenshots
 - Video