VTEM Images Rotators (Configuration) |
- Introduction
A super easy and slick module to present your images on your joomla site as a slideshow or image rotator. Easy to set up, precise settings and nice features will let you have it ready in minutes. We've also added support for a fast setup. All you have to do is point to a folder with images and Enabled the module.
An overview of VTEM IMAGES ROTATORS module key features: + Joomla! 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 2.5, 3.x Native. + Accurate 3d perspective. + Optional auto reflections - no need to modify your images or add server code. + Easy integration with basic valid HTML and a tiny bit of JavaScript. + Degrades gracefully with Javascript turned off. + Works with other plugins, e.g. lightbox, and preserves your links and mouse events. + Easy and friendly administration. + SEF URLs. + Define UNLIMITED number of slides and publish UNLIMITED number of modules on your page!. + Set the folder to be scanned for pictures + No flash. Pure javascript and CSS + Can sort images by file name, modified date or in random order + Can start slideshow automatically + Used JavaScript Framework: Jquery + Fully compatible: Firefox, IE6+, Opera 9.5+, Safari, Netscape, Google Chrome, Camino, Flock 0.7+.
- Getting Started
- Overview files
Start by downloading from our products section - vtem.net - the VTEM Images Rotators module package.
After downloading the package, be sure to unpack locally the vtem_images_rotators_pack.zip file. If all goes well, you should see the following files:
Here’s an overview of the available files:
Module: mod_vtem_images_rotators.zip This is the module file to be installed on your joomla application. It will display all the content set on the selected website pages.
doc!!! - folder: HelpFile.pdf This help file that will help you to install, set and configurations your VTEM Images Rotators module.
VTEM Images Rotators Module Installation The installation is very simple and should not pose any problem, if you follow the next instructions in properly way.
Using the Joomla! Administrator, navigate to the administrative panel on your site and from your administration top menu, select Extensions > Install/Uninstall.
Click the ‘browse’ button, select the module file (mod_vtem_images_rotators.zip) and press ‘Upload File & Install.’
A message will appear saying ‘Module Installation - Success.’
The VTEM Images Rotators module is now available on your Modules Manager.
- Module Configuration
- VTEM Images Rotators Configuration
To configurations your VTEM Images Rotators module, navigate to “Extensions > Module Manager” and find the VTEM Images Rotators module on the available list.
Click on it to enter inside and to edit the module parameters configuration.
From left to right, set the module in your selected position and enable it.
Before saving the module, you must configurations the following parameters fields:
Module parameters: Module Class Suffix: A suffix can be applied from the CSS class of the module and this will allow individual module CSS style.
Module unique ID: Each module must have unique ID, if you have two or more modules working (i.e. rotators1 or rotators2).
Module height: Use to display height of the module in pixels. You must set this value as bigger than 0. (i.e. 250)
Module width: Use to display width of the module in pixels. You must set this value as bigger than 0. (i.e. 780)
Images Directory: Type folder (relative to Joomla root) where your images are stored. Don't include leading or trailing slash (in example images/stories).
Sort Criteria: The sort criteria of the images files
Sort Order: The sort order of the images files
Manual Sort Order: Comma seperated list of images that describe the order - Example: image3.jpg,image2.jpg,image1.jpg - this will override Sort Criteria if set
Minimum scale: The minimum scale appled to the furthest item. The item at the front has a scale of 1. To make items in the distance one quarter of the size, minScale would be 0.25.
Auto-reflection height: Height of the auto-reflection in pixels, assuming applied to the item at the front. The reflection will scale automatically. A value of 0 means that no auto-reflection will appear.
Amount of vertical space: Amount of vertical space in pixels between image and reflection, assuming applied to the item at the front. Gap will scale automatically.
Reflection opacity: Specifies how transparent the reflection is. 0 is invisible, 1 is totally opaque.
Half-width: Half-width of the circle that items travel around. If set to 0, it will be calculated automatically
Half-height: Half-height of the circle that items travel around. By playing around with this value, you can alter the amount of 'tilt'. If set to 0, it will be calculated automatically
Horizontal position: Horizontal position of the circle centre relative to the container. You would normally set this to half the width of the container. If set to 0, it will be calculated automatically
Vertical position: Vertical position of the circle centre relative to the container. You would normally set this to around half the height of container. If set to 0, it will be calculated automatically
Speed: This value represents the speed at which the carousel rotates between items. Good values are around 0.1 ~ 0.3. A value of one will instantly move from one item to the next without any rotation animation. Values should be greater than zero and less than one.
Auto-Rotate: Turn on auto-rotation of the carousel using either 'left' or 'right' as the value. The carousel will rotate between items automatically. The auto-rotation stops when the user hovers over the carousel area, and starts again when the mouse is moved off.
Auto-Rotate Delay: Delay in milliseconds between each rotation in auto-rotate mode. A minimum value of 1000 (i.e. one second) is recommended.
Mouse wheel support: If set to true, this will enable mouse wheel support for the module.
Bring to front: If true, moves the item clicked on to the front.
Next/Prev buttons: A reference to the element that will serve as the Next/Prev buttons.
Open Images in Lightbox: Select YES to open images in lightbox.
Path for images to display on lightbox: The path of big images to display on lightbox
Show Text Captions: Use to show caption on each image
Jquery script: Use this option only if you have a problem with scripts on your site. In other situations option YES is strongly recommended. If you want to run more than one copy of this module on same page then set this value for disabled. Also if you have an Jquery framework included on your site, then disable this option also.
- Screenshots
 - Video