VTEM Panorama (methods)

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VTEM Panorama (AutoPlay)

    VTEM Panorama (Configuration)
    The VTEM Panorama module for Joomla is a simple module to display 360 degree images in module positions. Very comfortable and easy to use tools for management of the images set. You just need to install and enable the module, to make this work.

    An overview of VTEM PANORAMA module key features:
    + Joomla! 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 2.5, 3.x Native.
    + Location of images to be used in the rotation
    + The sort criteria of the images files
    + The sort order of the images files.
    + You can select a good method for you
    + Sensibility to adjust rotation speed.
    + Mumber of images that can roll when you 'Mousemove' or 'Mousedrag'.
    + Easy and friendly administration.
    + SEF URLs.
    + Comma seperated list of images that describe the order.
    + Used JavaScript Framework: Jquery
    + Fully compatible: Firefox, IE6+, Opera 9.5+, Safari, Netscape, Google Chrome, Camino, Flock 0.7+.

    Getting Started
    Overview files
    Start by downloading from our products section - vtem.net - the VTEM Panorama module package.

    After downloading the package, be sure to unpack locally the vtem_panorama_pack.zip file. If all goes well, you should see the following files:

    Here’s an overview of the available files:

    This is the module file to be installed on your joomla application. It will display all the content set on the selected website pages.

    doc!!! - folder:
    This help file that will help you to install, set and configurations your VTEM Panorama module.

    VTEM Panorama Module Installation
    The installation is very simple and should not pose any problem, if you follow the next instructions in properly way.

    Using the Joomla! Administrator, navigate to the administrative panel on your site and from your administration top menu, select Extensions > Install/Uninstall.

    Click the ‘browse’ button, select the module file (mod_vtem_panorama.zip) and press ‘Upload File & Install.

    A message will appear saying ‘Module Installation - Success.

    The VTEM Panorama module is now available on your Modules Manager.

    Module Configuration
    VTEM Panorama Configuration
    To configurations your VTEM Panorama module, navigate to “Extensions > Module Manager” and find the VTEM Panorama module on the available list.

    Click on it to enter inside and to edit the module parameters configuration.

    From left to right, set the module in your selected position and enable it.

    Before saving the module, you must configurations the following parameters fields:

    Module parameters:
    Module Class Suffix:
    A suffix can be applied from the CSS class of the module and this will allow individual module CSS style.

    Module unique ID:
    Unique ID for module (must be unique if you have two or more modules on one page) (i.e. vtempanorama1)

    Width of the module in px.

    Height of the module in px.

    Images Directory:
    Location of images to be used in the rotation.

    Sort Criteria:
    The sort criteria of the images files.

    Sort Order:
    The sort order of the images files.

    Manual Sort Order:
    Comma seperated list of images that describe the order - Example: image3.jpg,image2.jpg,image1.jpg - this will override Sort Criteria if set.

    You can select a good method for you

    Sensibility to adjust rotation speed.

    Direction can be either 'forward' or 'backward' depending on how your photos were taken and how you want them to appear.

    Mumber of images that can roll when you 'Mousemove' or 'Mousedrag'.

    Reset margin:
    When method is 'Mousedrag' parameter resetMargin indicates a frame thick of n pixels inside the image. Whenever the mouse get into that zone, the action is disabled. This is used to prevent action to occur outside the picture or is the mouse button is released outside of it.

    Jquery load:
    Use this option only if you have a problem with scripts on your site. In other situations option YES is strongly recommended. If you want to run more than one copy of this module on same page then set this value for disabled. Also if you have an jquery framework included on your site, then disable this option also.

    Use to add your css.

    Customizable CSS
    CSS Classes for advanced customization
    If you have some knowledge of how to set up style sheets, here are the main classes that you can format to create your own design.

    If you do not have this knowledge, you can request support in our forum. Also, we recommend that regular visits to our official site – VTEM.NET - where you can find some examples in the future.

    Here’s the list of classes and ID CSS style used on the VTEM Panorama module:


    In some cases, may have to impose the setting of class, to overcome already existing ones on the module, by placing the “!important” class in the style configuration.
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